Skillshare Class: Fauxaics in Procreate


Learn how to make digital mosaics on your iPad. This is a fun illustration technique that has soared in popularity in recent years. Not only are fauxsaics really fun to make, but the end result is extremely eye-catching and rewarding.

You don't have to be a lettering artist to take this class, but if you are,  you will love turning your hand-lettered design into mosaic art. If you're not a lettering artist, don't worry because I also show you how to make a design using a digital font.


➤  Prerequisites

This class is for students who already have some experience with Procreate for iPad Pro. If you need to learn the ropes first, start with my comprehensive beginner's class: Mastering iPad Lettering with Procreate 4. You do not need to be a lettering artist to take this class. If you are, you will enjoy incorporating your lettering into the design. If you're not, I show you how to make art based on fonts.

➤  Downloadables

I've included my very own Procreate Mosaic Brush Library for free to students in this class ("Mollys_Mosaic_Brushes.brushset"). There are 50 brushes for tile patterns, drawing tiles, grout, and textures. There is also a PDF showing samples of each brush which is a helpful reference while you work. All these are available to students as free downloads in the "Projects & Resources" section.


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