A Dublin Workshop

Earlier this month, I had the joy of going to Dublin, Ireland, to teach a private workshop. Although I have lots of Irish blood in my family tree, I had never ventured to Eire, so I jumped at the chance. I extended the visit for a couple days, and E. and I went together. Everything about the trip was fantastic, from our late-night stroll across the Liffey to my first real serving of bangers and mash. 

My client had set up the class at Fumbally Stables, a beautiful, cozy space, perfect for spending a late winter afternoon. We put Simon & Garfunkel on the record player, made a pot of tea, and inked letters for a good four hours. It was calligraphy heaven!

Venue: Fumbally Stables (Dublin, Ireland)  //  Photos: Malktime Photography